Many WC'ers have advanced ideas for The Forums and problems encountered using them. They're spread out all over the place. That's the reason I'm making this Post: To centralize things to make the job of others who want to make WC the best it can be easier.
Everyone is welcome. Have fun. I'll do my best to sift through it all and post it up here to try and save evryone's time (Zubaz's suggestion)
A. Make last post read work.. for everyone
B. 1. Return to top of page at bottom of each page.
2. Clicking on Recent forum Activity take you to latest post not first page.
3. Expanded smiley list.
4, Separate section for Political discussions, Humor (including shopping shots) and personals.
5. General section would be for general Stardock and WC realated conversations.
6. Recent posts list either expanded to 20 listings, or separated into help related and non-help related subjects.
7. Better search function.
C. 1. Polls.. everyone could create polls.
2. Introduction of negative karma.
3. Increased Firefox compatibility.
4. Lower/shorter render times.
5. Bann on using adult words
6. Animated Gif avatars less than 100 kb
7. Integration between WC main site and forums.....(sign on)
D. actually having the built-in browser spell checkers function in these post boxes.
E. I think rather than trying to implement more ideas for the birthdays done to try and get what we already have working.....or back to working....again.
F. 1. Fix the "insert link" function. It currently works backwards. It should work as follows: Click the insert link, put in the url, it puts in the appropriate code with the url doubled as the name, which is highlighted so you can name it whatever you wish. (any problems with this suggestion please ask bebi bulma for a better/fuller explanation).
2. actually having the built-in browser spell checkers function in these post boxes.
G, 1.subscription emails for watch list) and other features that are totally broken/nonfunctioning (guestbook comment deletion, the photo albums) that those should be fixed before anything else gets added.
2. make the smilies style='vertical-align:middle' like they were before.
3. fix the Quote mechanism: attribution should work even for limited portions of posts/replies.
H. Please make the comment book 'remove comment' function work again.
I. I would like to see a timer perhaps. You have 2 minutes to edit your post . .and then it's locked.
J. There are times when you need to edit something after 2-5 min.
K. 1. uploading images directly into the post as opposed to calling on an external site to relay the image back. this would be especially helpful in the help sections of the forums .
2. [do something with the wiki to make it effective, it seems pretty barren on information/help.]
L. 1. Faster refresh rate for the forum pages to prevent mistimed replies.
2. Fixing the "double post" problem.
M. 1. No changes to karma. Should remain positive incentive.
2. Mod edit objectionable picture content.
N. No animated avatars. Forums not a video store.
O. 1. Several ideas for time limit to "edit" function: Range from 2-10 minutes from time of post.
2. the time limit should be fairly long until they get around to putting a spell checker in the editor.
3. Edit would only add new comment in the same box and require printed 'reason for edit' above the newer post and notfication in the thread that a post was changed.
4. Karma should not be anonymous. Karma has become pointless.
5. Karma is ok, it's meant to be taken lightly, and there's no need to kill the fun
6. Karma is nothing but a novelty. It's FUN trying to get that karma up. Add negative Karma and the fun is gone, and with that it'll be entirely useless.
7. Karma: It's kind of relative and for me it has had a positive effect.
P. 1. Edit function should last a few minutes. Original post/reply should remain along with it.
2. Freezing the post after a short time, if someone wants to correct or change a thought, let them post another.
3. Re the editing of comments....I'm totally against it. Posts [and threads] being altered for whatever 'agenda' is not acceptable. Whatever is decided, the number one demand is accountability....the thread comment must be tagged with 'edited by....' publicly .... and ideally if that's the case the edit text should be linked [hidden] but visible for review by the Admins. I've always thought the height of bad manners was/is to edit a thread topic, etc AFTER several/many people have taken the time/effort to respond/comment.
Q. 1. The forums shouldn't parse any html whatsoever from the post box.
2. Unless you are a member of a specific user class, your html isn't parsed, period.
3. User posted html just wrecks havoc on the forums and should be completely ignored from parsing. It should all be plain text (with the exception of the bbcode buttons in the editor). There just doesn't seem to be any checking for open tags, which causes all the problems.
4. I think 2-3 mins for the post locking. negative Karma is a bad idea.
5. Several of the classic smilies do not match when posted...would be nice to have them tidied up...the sad goes to angry and the Yum goes to the big smile.
6. Cross posting errors if two windows are open.
R. {1. Inaccurate time/date stamping keeping comments at the top of notes on Personal sites}
S. Fix the need for double sign in @ WC Home page then again @ Forums.
T. Subscribers still see ads.