Here is the full Instructions
Two taskbars are shown in this Jpg, one with no change and another with the windows taskbar set to twice the height, to see bigger icons & more open applications. This is done by dragging the edge of the task bar (with taskbar unlocked). Separators have been included to this invisible dock so they sit right on your windows taskbar to separate your icons in groups. Use your current taskbar background or switch to your favorite window blinds theme and your Object Dock icons stay right there on your Taskbar. ALSO OTHER CONCEPTS WORK WELL ON THIS DOCK LIKE SWINGING OR GLOWING, BUT MY FAV. ZOOMING. ====================== SETUP ======================== This should take around 3-5 minutes, unless your slow like me. STEP 1of4 Add a Toolbar to the Windows Taskbar. You must add 1 empty toolbar to the windows taskbar. With taskbar unlocked, adjust (slide) it to were ever you want your OD+ icons to end. How to Add a empty toolbar = Open My Document Create new folder titled "Empty Taskbar" Right click your windows taskbar (make sure ‘Lock the taskbar is unchecked’, select "Toolbars" then "New Toolbar" then "My documents" then "Empty Taskbar" then select ok. Now adjust (slide) it to were ever you want your Od+ icons to end, If you’re not sure just slide it half way across the taskbar . Right click the toolbar uncheck "show text", uncheck "show title". STEP 2 Right click the start menu select "properties" select the "taskbar" tab, uncheck "Keep Taskbar on top of other windows". Step 3 Setting up your Dock. Add a new or existing dock to wherever your taskbar is positioned. (for most people this is the bottom of the screen. In dock options make sure reserve edge of screen is unchecked. Also make sure "Hide Windows Taskbar" is unchecked. If ever to much space is being reserved were your taskbar sits, check your OD+ dock and make sure reserve edge of screen is unchecked. Step 4of4 Reserve the edge of your screen. Object dock alone will reserve the edge of the screen above where it should, it does this assuming it’s not on top of the windows task bar. This is why you uncheck reserve edge of screen on this dock. Download a freeware program of your choice to Reserve this edge of your screen. The Smallest one i found is called "Desktop corral" not sure who the author is, but it works. After installing Desktop corral locate the installed folder, usually on your c drive. Locating the folder - right click desktop corral short cut select properties, select find target. Now open the 'Configuration settings' file titled "DesktopCoral" (icon should look like a pad of paper with a gear on it) open this with any word doc application. This file is where it tells desktop corral what area to reserve on the screen. Copy and paste the following settings in and your done!
[Settings] TransparentMode=0 PreserveIcons=0 ImageFileName= TransparencyTrackBar=0 UseImage=0 ImageTileMode=0 ImageStretchMode=0 ImageCenterMode=0 ImageZigzagMode=0 DockingPlace=3 LastDockingPlace=3 [Dock] Left=0 Top=0 Right=360 Bottom=96 WindowState=0 Always on Top=0 Auto Hide=0 Placement=0 TaskIcon=0 Docking Enabled=1 Docking Width=0 Docking Height=6 Docking MaxWidth=0 Docking MaxHeight=0 Docking MinWidth=0 Docking MinHeight=0 Sizing Enabled=0 Sizing Horizontal Increment=0 Sizing Vertical Increment=0 Sliding Enabled=0 Sliding Time=0 Ps. these setting are for reserving the taskbar at the bottom of your screen, if you keep your taskbar at the top of your screen then i think you change the 3's to 4's for "docking place" & last docking place". Oops, one last thing (desktop coral doesn’t have an option to run on start up. Copy the desktopcorral shortcut on your desktop & past it into your start up folder. This way it will automatically reserve the edge when you start your computer. Locating Startup folder- select your start button on your taskbar, select "all programs" find and right click start up select explore, this should open your start up folder, if it doesn’t i think it’s located in your Documents and setting folder under your username, then start menu, then Startup. It’s a good idea to hang onto this, and or make a backup copy of your Config settings. One last thing, you’ll want to put 2 start menu docklets on your dock, positioned right over the start button. Right click each docklet choose 'Dock entry properties' then change the image to a blank icon (PNG file). You can still access your taskbar properties. Some people think to do this they need to right click their windows taskbar button, But really you can access this by right clicking any part of your taskbar! More downloads from this artist here: or ======INSTALLING DOCKS======== Most people know this but if you dont, Copy-past this folder into the folder were you keep your OBject dock 'Backgrounds'. This is kept in one of two places. ether in your my documents folder or, werever Object dock is installed. To aplly it to the dock, rightclick the edge of your dock, select 'Dock settings, then 'Apperance' then click your 'Background' drop down list to locate files.