Fire when ready! I think it looks awsome so far.[/quote]
TTD is done!!! If I send you a single png with sll the images can you open it and maintian the layers or should I save as seperate images ie...start menu , widow frame , etc.....
[quote who="picardsm" reply="20" id="2030946"]A/V,
Your work is tops! As soon as I saw BBK (on Christmas Eve... best gift ever), it has been my one and only WB. Truly excellent work.
Before BBK I would have about 5 WB in a rotation (roughly a week or so each). Now I when I try another blind... a few hours later... back to BBK.
I anxiously await this next project. I think you may have another winner, in my book.
That was a super nice compliment and I appreciate it a bunch!Thank you!!!!!

BTW, What does BBK stand for? My wife thinks it's BB
OK I knew somebody would eventually ask so I made the mistake one time of calling a skin "Perfect Black" well I was still very early in my skining career and it was nowhere near perfect!
So not to be presumptious BBK Stood for BetterBlacK as a reminder not perfect that would mean I had to stop,just Better!
Note:When I was building I found myself calling it well BBKing LOL