Well I've come to the conclusion that this thread is part of a larger conspiracy hatched by Stardock to gauge community wants and needs, likes and dislikes, so it can,,,,
* redesign Wincustomize and cut costs without pissing too many loyal customers off.
* provide improved products and services via the savings made
* asssess who the loyal customers are and reward them with a new, you-beaut WC
* wheedle out non-customers and traitors and have them summarily shot in front
of a firing squad of crack marksmen holding pea shooters loaded with mushy peas.
Other changes will include a Zubish dictionary in the new and improved tutorial section. However, while Zubaz will be its moderator, it will be like a wiki, where subscribers can add Zubish entries of their own. While some may see this as a bold new move that's fraught with danger, the powers that be at Stardock have decided, in their infinite wisdom, to allow subscribers to skin the English language as well as Stardock apps... and why not, surely it's the next progression in skinning. 
The next thing is that a 'Coffee Club' will be added to the forums, where subscribers can sit around and chat over an expresso and discuss unimportant matters. However, while the title suggests coffee, that will not be readily available until Stardock perfects the software responsible for delivering piping hot coffee into users homes/offices via the new touchscreen technology being heralded as the future of computing. Stardock will also announce with 'some' regret that this new feature will NOT be available to users of Apple Macs.... and most certainly not the new 'keyboardless' laptop, which, according to recent tests, delivers 120% alcohol instead of coffeee, and Stardock doesn't want drunks behaving badly hanging around its social gatherings. Can't say as I'm sorry tho... serves them Mac zealots right. 
In putting the levity aside for a moment, what I'm seeing here is mountains being made out of molehills that haven't been put there yet, so let's not go getting our knickers in a knot over something that has not happened. And even if/when Stardock staff take over the running of WC, things are not likely to change that much with regard to community because most Stardock staffers are community members. They may not be as active due to working to provide us quality goods and services, but they are still members who appreciate the community for what it is... ie, Karmagirl starting and participating in fun threads along with the rest of us.
Oh yeah, the wider conspiracy???? Well, given the recent economic crisis hitting the World, Stardock plans to resolve the World's economic woes by targetting bankers with specific software loaded with subliminal honsety messages which are aimed at combatting greed and cheating within the banking fraternity. Personally, while I welcome this technology, I'd much rather see it applied to the US Congress so that the skinning community gets its own bailout package... you know, something that subsidises struggling skinners and rewards them for all their hard work.