Yep that's how it starts
Then you dive deeper into this world and you really get taken in...You become addicted....You begin spinning round and round, faster and faster...Aunty Em, Aunty Em.
You become a wincustomize subscriber and then all get's quiet. You open you'r door to a whole new world. A world full of lab coat ridden winkys, pointy eared vulcans, talking munkeys, and worst of all.....this zebra looking guy called Zubaz who speaks and writes in his own language. To understand him requires the purchase of a Zubish translator. Beware of pirates from Australia (yes they really do exist). This strange and fantastic new world is ruled by a talking Frog. The biggest rule is to never tick off a big mustache guy named Po...if you do, wierd and embarrising photo's of you will appear that you never new existed. are about to enter Hotel Wincustomize, where all are welcome, but you can and will never leave!!!
Welcome aboard my friend and enjoy yourself here. Oh...biggest thing....all new folks are required to supply the community with pizza
, beer
, and steaks! (I'll take mine medium rare!)