NT, I like your idea of a bacon contest. I could qualify for that. I'm not thinking of this as an act of kindness to those left out, and certainly not screenshot makers (that's about all I know how to do). Suite-making software is what Stardock is all about. If the competition had a category for it, then all their products would be used, and all the people presently not included would be elgible, not out of kindness, but out of necessity. The whole skinning community would be busy forming teams, and some people would have to learn new skills because there wouldn't be enough dock or cursor makers to go around. Productivity would increase, and people like me who use skins would rejoice. I think it is something where everybody (except the organizers) wins; all the skinners, Stardock, and the people that use the skins get something out of it. It would be a real team competition, new friendships would be formed, and it would be a logical expansion of what we have now. vStyler and the MaxStyles team is exactly what I mean.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.