No crazed memories....the Xmas that sticks out in my moth eaten "mind" is when I asked Santa for a "Knight's Fort" and a "Space Port" and got BOTH!
I also pretended to fall asleep and watched (after crawling down the hall on my belly, pyjama clad) as my parents assembled
those incredible toys. It was so cool to see them working together builing stuff for.... ME!
Well, they saw me after I made some delighted noises and promptly scolded me for sneaking around like that and saying,
"What is an 18 year old doing crawling around like that?!"

"I just got a package in the mail from my oldest son, who is in the military and not allowed to take Christmas vacation, even though most of the rest of his troop does, and he included a quick note with the wrapped gifts he got his mother and siblings. The note ended with "I ruined Christmas. I hope I'm satisfied!" LMAO! I forgot that almost every Christmas we celebrated when he was a small boy ended with my (now ex) husband getting angry and saying to one of the three kids, "You ruined Christmas, I hope you're satisfied!"

When I read that I really was so sad, Karen. I had it so good...Protestant Dad and Jewish Mom....I feel so unhappy you had it so bad that I had to try to make a funny....sorry. My Jewish reflexes.