true, but the way you put it you made all those within church or those doing deeds for the church sound like they are only doing so for some sort of gain, or power. Neither of which my mom got or wanted..
I said to follow the money. I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear on that.
Now you must realize that the Bible was not written by god.
There are countries in this world where if you said that publically, you wouldn't live to see daylight.
finds an ancient lost scroll in the Temple and takes it to king Josiah; what Josiah reads there causes him to embark on a program of religious reform, suppressing the worship of all other gods". thus not of Jesus's teachings but some scroll some one found and claimed to be the next book of the bible.
Since Josiah was born long before Jesus was, you can't say he wasn't following the teachings of Jesus, because the teachings of Jesus didn't exist during Josiah's time period. However, Jesus claimed that he came not to change the law, but to fulfill it, so therefore Jesus's teachings would be in line with King Josiah's reforms.
This is all hypothetical, of course, spoken from a perspective of a biblical studies. Taken from a purely historical perspective, in light of the fact that ostensibly it was the responsibility of The Church (Roman Catholic) to keep the law and the scriptures, and dictate to the people the traditions of faith, if anything is in the Bible that shouldn't be there, then the very foundation of the Christian faith is faulty and none of it is to be trusted, and none of it can be relied upon as "truth." Martin Luther was brave enough to rock the world by saying the Pope was not the mouthpiece of God, but he did claim that the Bible was infallible. By what you're saying, all of it is fallible--just what CAN you trust in, if the very basis for everything you hold as truth you also hold as based on dubious foundations?
but in reading the works and teachings of jesus, this scroll does not fit...As well as doing such would violate the commandment * thou shall not kill*.
The commandment ISN'T "thou shall not kill" - in the Hebrew, it's "thou shall not commit murder." When carrying out the will of God to utterly destroy pagan civilizations to prevent "the truth" from being perverted, one is not committing murder; one is executing the will of God. If you read the book all the way to the end, you see that Jesus comes back and does a little cleaning up of His own, sending people like myself to everlasting torment, in a place of torture God created to inflict pain on beings He created for all eternity with no hope of release, so Deuteronomy isn't really all that contrary to Jesus's teachings afterall. As for that love, humility, and forgiveness--in the end, all deals are off.
You must concede that religion also helped shape morality even in todays most basic laws some of the 10 commandments still hold. thou shall not kill. Murder is against the law.
No, I'm not going to give you that. "Thou shalt not kill" (and thou shalt not steal, covet...that last six), were all just plagiarism of the code of Hammurabi, which predated Moses by about 500 years. (There were also moral codes from ancient China which pre-date Moses, instructing that people refrain from committing murder and stealing). There is nothing original about the 10 commandments (except those first four about how you're suppose to behave towards God), I will NOT concede that religion shaped morality. I think morality exists outside of religion. One does not need a deity or a particular sect or religion to have morality. Kindness and respect are natural laws, like gravity, in that if one violates them, one ends up hurting oneself in the long run. Murdering someone, means you're going to inflame the wrath of the family of the murder victim, and they're going to come after you--just a natural law! Steal from someone, and your going to inflame that person's wrath, and they're going to come after you! These are all just various forms of the golden rule, which predates Moses, too! (Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, ancient Etyptian religions, paganism...they ALL contain the law of reciprocity--do unto others as you would have them do unto you.).
As for the seven deadly sins...those are pretty much in the eye of the beholder. We've made an empire banking on the deadly sins. Apply enough of Pavlov's science to the deadly sins and you have a well oiled machine, a living thing that performs out of compulsivity! (It's how I trained my dog!).
I don't think you read the article I posted about the study out of Santa Clara University -- it says people obey authority, even to the point of carrying out orders of torture, not because they want to, but because their programmed to. When I talked about the DYNAMIC of religion, what I meant was, the system of supreme authority being held over those who need to belong to that authority's movement (for whatever psychological reason), FORCES those followers to carry out the things ordered of them without seeing the evil it in. There are very few humans who have the power to change their religion (and you can find THAT in the Bible, Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.")