I believe there is a greater deity, whether it be God, Alla, Budda etc....it is a shame the humans can ruin something beautiful.
I'm not going to say what I'm thinking, because I wouldn't really wish this condition on anyone. (BTW, Buddists don't believe Buddha is a deity, he was just an example of how to master the world).
You believe in yourself don't you? You believe that your friends here have faith in you don't you? You have faith that if you are in need of someone to talk to you can find them here don't you?
Not always. I kinda feel like I have to hide who I really am, or I'll end up austracized. It's not that hard to do online (shield the unacceptable parts of my personality), but in real life, I don't have any friends. I don't have anyone except my husband and my kids who will help me out with things, or go out to eat with me, or watch a movie with me, or visit me if I ever end up in the hospital.
I don't want this to come off as whining. I don't mean it as a pity party, I just know that when I belonged to a church, there were people who would help us move, and people who would bring over food when I came out of the hospital after my kids were born, and now I'm on my own. I suppose I could pretend I believed and join a church and go through the motions, but I just think that's wrong. It's not in me to fool people like that, especially having seen how much they're being fooled from the top to begin with.