Good on ya mate! Nice thing for you t'do!
Yeah, it was the least I could do after all she has done/given me... not ter menshun 'avin' t' tolerate me curried cabbage barks all these years. 
A decent camera is something she has been wanting for a while now, being the piss-farty thing she was using was only 3.2 pixels and bugger all zoom to speak of, so it was a given that we'd replace that this Xmas. The laptop, however, took her quite by surprise and she's all over the moon about it. While it is something she has wanted ever since being hospitalised last year and not getting her PC fix, I decided that she had waited long enough and just got it cos the deal was just too hard to pass up while I was in the spending mood... and an added bonus is that I get $100 caskback from Compaq as well
Both items will come in very handy in early Feb 09 as mrs starkers is going to Tasmania for a month to be with her daughter, who is expecting a baby around about then. As I will not be going (my step-daughter still hates my guts for forcing her 3 years ago to recant a so-called rape story to stop a man being convicted of a crime he did not commit), mrs starkers will be able to keep in touch and send me photos of our new grandchild taken on her new camera via her new laptop. Who knows, maybe one day the girl will realise it was the right thing to do and forgive me for it, so that I too may see the child first-hand. We'll see, but in the meantime I'll stay at home so as to not upset the apple cart, rock the boat or throw a spanner in the works.
On a different note, I've hooked up my second rig with XP Pro on it to the new TV...and like WOW, it really is something to see our games in all their glory on a 32" screen... and the 5.1 surround sound is absolutely superb through this new system, so it's a totally immersive experience and I don't see the rig ever being hooked up to the 19" again.