Cool one, skinhit. Fast and strong. Don't put any of Po's stuff on it....6GB RAM will disappear like hitting cold water. (guess I'm on "The List" now, huh?).
No need to guess... you ARE on "The List" now for sure... tho I am curious - disappear like what??? hitting cold water!
Hehe, me thinks you need to be swimming in a heated pool instead. 
Doc quietly leaves the house to rent a UPS uniform
After Po` reads this, you'll need a better disguise than that... and definitely a mask, tho not one of those GWB masks that have been so popular among bank robbers...
you might have trouble explaining your whereabouts on various dates to the cops. 
I still can't get over that cold water thing...
While you're out getting your disguise, perhaps you might invest in some thermal swimming trunks.