Quoting Zargon0225, reply 13If you were having problems applying Aero Midnight skin, please update Theme Manager and try again.
The skin now applys properly, thankyou, though the other issue of the Gadgets not loading still applies. Basically if you choose the RSS Reader, Weather or the Clock gadget they do not load either
Another issue, why does Boot Skin want to connect to Stardock and upload the images etc we create? I am using a non royalty/copyright free image that I do not want published. This thing of having it upload it to yourselves is breaking copyright, especially if you then publish it. Why can we not just create a Boot Skin and leave it at that? I do not want to upload all my creations to yourselves in order to create my own.
Second issue, when I have finally allowed everything and try to apply it, I get the error message "There was an error while applying <name of skin>" I have tried 3 times and each one gives the same error when trying to apply.
WinVista Ultimate 32bit SP1 Boot Skin Pro Version 1.00.027
I could not edit my post above so had to make a new post