If you can bottle this stuff don't tell the government cause they'll want it for their own weaponry.
Yeah, well I have this secret ingredient that'll blow their socks off if they try to confiscate it.... and if I lay off the antacid for a while the digestive juices 'll eat right through those bottle and they'll have to evacuate their own base.
No, I recommend you send it all over here and I'll take care of it for you.
OK, how about I send you the bottled 'bark' gas in Hazmat container... to be sure, to be sure you and yours are safe... then we commandeer some hi-tech delivery system with laser guided control to ensure the despicables get wot's coming to 'em? I was thinking a modified RPG launcher that'll fire with precision to the intended targets.... and I use the plural cos there'd have to be a few of 'em, right?
And if you can't secure a RPG, go to a military museum, find a tank, blow out the concrete plug so it'll fire, and load 'er up wiv curried cabbage gas bottles for the onslaught. Hehe, wiv a tank, you could give those bastards down at City Hall a wake-up call,dontcha think???
There again, we are talkin curried cabbage gas.... might serve as a go to sleep (unconscious) call
Yeah, that's right, like ah watch over it, that's it...You OK wit dat
No, I am not alright with that Gunnie Irokoness. If you want to make Bombadier, you'll have to lock, load and fire upon those despicables. Promotions don't come easy in this 'ere man's curried cabbage army.... do you hear me gunnie????