I understand where you're coming from, however that's the beauty of the present version of Windowblinds...you can make it a different color (if it's blue...those black ones really don't allow for a lot of personalization).
You know, it's really just the push some of us need to start learning how to skin, ourselves! My first skin attempt was mediocre, but it was my first skin attempt, and my ideas are rarely mainstream, especially with the mostly male demographic here at Wincustomize. But the homogenous uploads lately has pushed me to try again, this time with a little more knowledge and a little more courage to ask questions (I'm a sucker for a fancy start button and some terrific skinners pointed me in the right direction when I got brave enough to ask the right questions) -- Here's a preview of my new start button which is working for me this time! (it's for a Mardi Gras Windowblind I'm working on, slowly and carefully this time, giving myself enough time to work the bugs out).
I will admit, creating a Windowblind is intimidating, and asking for help here...it's sometimes frightening. Sometimes seasoned skinners are very helpful and understanding, and sometimes others...they will post kind of dickish responses, which if you're like me, and a bit intimidated to begin with, can send me right back to my own personal creations just for me with no intentions of sharing (so as not to experience the humiliation of rejection).
I've been paying more and more attention to your posts: They are well reasoned and this one, in particular is quite insightful:
The text I emphasized I've found to be true, but I feel the vast majority (my impression only) of the folks here jump at the chance to help someone. Don't ever retreat into a shell...everyone has the right to feel good about what he/she is asking and creating. That's a given, and not open to refutation. It's hard to feel confidence when one doesn't know "the answer", but rest assured: None of us know it all the time and didn't when we started with this.
But apart from all that, The color bias in skins exists...as it does in life in general: icecream flavor, car color, etc. I say if you can skin, create for yourself. If others like it, they'll download it. If not, not. Create happiness for yourself, first.
