Quite an interesting response from Stardock "support".
Or in this case, the CEO.
Brad may have used a pajorative word but the fact is that there are now many apps that won't run to thier full potential on a cord like yours. Some may be able to "scale back" but this one doesn't. Oh well. Life is full of choices, ain't it? If you want dreams, you buy a new card. YOu don't want a new card . . no dreams. Easy-peasy.
So maybe *your* particular card isn't crappy. It's just too old for this. Brad defines that as crappy. That's his right. You can call the same card "super-duper wonderful" or "Bob". It doesn't really matter. It won't run dreams. But then you look at what MS said; that XP couldn't run dreams at all.
If you feel insulted because someone insulted you video card . . well that's interesting too.