
neat, look forward to dl finished wb
Thank you
Looks excellent, color change to luminous green too.
Will it be a master ? GUIC ? Want, want..........now !
Thank you
Not quite sure what I am going to do with it!
Absofrigginglutly top notch! I'll be watching for this one for sure.
TKS Feeling kinda inspired hopefully it wont take to long!
Zubaz starts scannign the dream gallery for a good match
Cool let me know what you find if there is not a good one we might make 1 to match!!
very groovy harley!! (hugglez)
Thanks Kitty good to see ya!
If you need testers I would like to test
Looks like it's going to be another good one!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you and when it is close enough I,ll drop a line!!
Thanks everyone !!
I got inspired watching a movie, while I was setting up a customer's home theater system I popped in a movie jumped about half wasy through looking for an action scene when I saw about a 3 second shot of a monitor then spent the next ...........hrs making the mock-up!