When someone thinks of cereal, how the iconic tiger labeled box doesn't pop into one's head almost immediately is beyond me. The sweet frosting covering the crispy corn flakes is like the perfect marriage of sweet and crispy. The only way I anyone could make a similar combination of the two would be to directly wired ones mouth to some type of electrodes which simulate Frosted Flakes. This would probably take longer to set up than to actually just eat Frosted Flakes.
That being said, why would anyone ever want to try any cereal that’s not Frosted Flakes? If you don’t what a cereal that’s crispy, you should probably be eating oatmeal with the rest of the denture wearers. If you don’t want a cereal that’s sweet, you should probably be eating a toasted bread crumbs in a bowl of milk. Sounds delightful!
Perhaps your thinking some other cereal would provide another equally pleasant experience. You’d be wrong. Wheat and Rice based cereals get soggy far too fast. So all you’re really left with is corn. Yes, we know there are some of you out there that think cereal can be made from other types of grain that most people have never heard of, so, it must be good. But when it comes to food, the reason most people have never of it is because it sucks. The same reasoning behind spotted dick is not popular here in the United States. It’s horrid. To the point that I wonder if the people in the UK actually like it or they’re just making it as an excuse to say the name. End digression. As I was saying, you’re really only left corn.
Let’s suppose you want to make a cereal and your smart enough to use corn, but, you’re clueless on what style or shape. One idea to try could be the puffed/popped shape. If that’s the case, you probably like popcorn. And you have to make it sweet. So you’re going to have to make something like caramel or kettle corn. And you’re going to take this pour it in a bowl and add milk? If that’s a good idea, then, I suppose you’d also like the texture and taste of sugar coded Styrofoam. Aside from the possible poisonous side effects, I’m pretty sure it would amount to the same thing. If a cereal maker does figure out how to make edible Styrofoam he’s going to make a fortune off you.
Let’s face it, there are very few things in this life that a simple and great. And we as human being should be grateful that we have been lucky enough to find them. Of this short list in our long history, Frosted Flakes is among the top.