And here Starkers is why you just don't get it. You demand people to get behind your view while you hold the views of others with contempt.
Ah, but I do get it! My comment is Party related only in that some people, self proclaimed Republicans, state they will not support Barack Obama, a Democrat. The party association was there prior to any comment from me... and my comment relates to those who hold Barack Obama in contempt and do not support their President Elect on the basis of Party.
And to make things abundantly clear here, I do not give a rat's arse which Party Bush, McCain, Palin, Biden or Obama represent, to me that it entirely irrelevant. My views/opinions are based on observation of the person, not the Party... and my opinion would have been exactly the same had Obama been a Republican and McCain a Democrat. If Barack Obama had chosen Sarah Palin as his Democrat running mate, I still would have disliked her, on the basis of who and what she is politically.
When Bush and the Republicans ran things, they didn't deserve your respect because, after all, they're scum and those who support them are just in denial.
Wrong again! My dislike of Bush is for his war mentality and illegal invasion of Iraq... and again, that is/was purely about the man himself, not the Party or its supporters, who, by the way, are not scum.
But now that someone you like has won, it's suddenly time to support the elected goverhnment and unify.
Good grief.
Good grief orright!! It's not about 'liking' Barack Obama. It's about the US being in trouble and my belief that he is the better man than John McCain to lead it out... and with a united American People, irrespective of Party, race, colour or creed, behind him in support, the better it will be for everyone. In other words, the opportunity is here and now, let's not wait for another tragedy of catastrophic proportions to bring the people together as one again.
I don't have a problem with Obama. But I do have a problem with people who are blind to just how partisan they are.
I really don't need to go there.