just because the far left gives him that title doesn't mean you should. And that title is only given to him to help you sway your vote to the left.
Are you REALLY this self-delusional?! Do you really think the other 74% of us who think this man is an utter incompetent and corrupt buffoon who has ruined this country's moral and financial standing in the world are just being spun to the left?! Hahahahaha!!
Or is it more likely that you are going to cling to this proven fallacious IDEOLOGY no matter what the facts tell you? And is this because, deep down inside, you now realize that voting for Bush in 2000 and/or 2004 makes you partially responsible for what has happened to the nation you profess so much patriotism for?
Yeah, I said it.
If you voted for Bush, you owe your neighbors, the ones who told you what was going to happen in 2000 and then had PROOF in hand by 2004, an APOLOGY. You were WRONG about Bushco and his grafting cronies and the rest of us have been proven oh so right.
But it's okay, people make mistakes. Some of us are able to admit them when we make them. And therein lie the seeds of forgiveness.
While others cling to self-serving spin and dogma in defense of their own fragile egos.
So, are you going to man-up and apologize or continue to live in the Bill O'Reilly Only-Spin phantom ideology Zone?