I am one man. I get one vote. And yet I am taxed hundreds of times more than other Americans. That's your idea of taxation with representation?
You also MAKE hundreds of times as much as other Americans. As a PERCENTAGE you are paying what everyone else pays + a few more percent because of the way our system is tiered. And because you have truly crappy financial advice.
Three men of equal ability have a job picking apples. One man picks 1,000 apples another man pickss 10 and the third picks 1.
The three men get one vote each on how those apples are used. Two of the men vote for the first man to give each of them 100 apples apiece.
And you think that this arrangement is a good thing because the first man is picking a lot more apples.
I won't be leaving but a lot of my wealth may be leaving the US. That's what happens when you raise taxes. The age of globalization is a good thing IMO.
He hasn't raised anything yet! And he certainly isn't planning on raising it any higher than you were already paying under Reagan, Bush Sr., and Clinton, for pete's sake.
You were just saying I get crappy financial advice.
Sure, the tax rate might go no higher than it was under Clinton. That's fine, we'll start laying people off to go back to the same # of people we had back then.
As for me, I think we're ALL going to be paying the price for the Bush bankrupting of this nation for the next few years. Reduced discretionary spending is already spreading around the world, because this collapse is already rippling.
Good luck with your offshore tax haven research!
As for me, this country has been so damn good to me that a proposed slight change in the tax code isn't going to run me off. But I've never been a selfish person by nature.
Ah, I see. You're not selfish because, in your mind, supporting the government taking my earnings to give to other people makes you unselfish? That's really fascinating logic. Sure, I give tens of thousands a year to charity and probably pay at least an order of magnitude more than you in taxes but you're not selfish because hey, you support having the government decide how what I produce should be spent rather than me. Yea, you're a real hero.
Your problem is that these discussions are really just academic to you. But there are real world consequences. If our taxes go up, I will almost certainly have to lay someone off. It's a real possibility, at least one of the Stardockians you see in these forums could get laid off. That's the real world.