Actually, I disagree with the basis of the question. The best way to limit understanding and limit debate is to label your opponent. In countries
like Canada the term Liberal, Conservative , Socialist , or Green are political parties not terms intended to insult or classify. We , who say we teach the
world, how to be democratic , are one of the least democratic. How many democracies have only two viable parties??? Ours does.
We don't even get the terms right. They tend to define Conservative with the Republican party and Liberals with the Democrat (further labeling)
We have both conservatives & liberals that spend money like water. We have both liberals & conservatives socializing the banks so millionaires are
safe. We have both authourizing destructive trade deals so the upper class profits. We have both conservatives and liberals attacking our constitutional
rights (just different ammendments).
It doesn't take a super strategy gamer to know that if you spread out your military resources too thin, destroy your worker class & manufacturing,
and send money and treasure to unreliable allies, you will probably lose. And sorry to say the GOP with some dem support has done exactly that.
Want a example?? We're in debt right? Iraq is making money!! but we are still paying to rebuild their infrastructure while ours needs to have been
updated decades ago. A few miles from my home, theirs a fishing spot with a highway bridge over the canal. It was designed to move sideways if
needed. The gearing has nazi stamps on it. Yes, from the 1930's. Our so called conservatives & liberals alike need to start consentrating on their own
country, in profit, trade, infrastructure, jobs, new tech, and security. Only real conservative I've seen in the Republican party lately is Ron Paul.
The guy the Repub neo-cons love to trash. I have voted for both parties over the years. But the GOP now only cares for the middle class around
election time. This year I voted for Obama. If he doesn't do the job, in four years , I'll vote differently.