OK ,
For all of you who have your dreams working at a low Rate. I applaud to you. That is fantastic news.
Now for us who have vista and see this spike and even see the BSoD like me. This problem does exist.
And yes. I have brought it up to Stardock support. without any resolve.
could be my NVIDIA graphics driver or anything else.
We all have different setups driver and the rest of the stuff that makes a computer work.
If it works for you. Good, I am happy for you.
I will tell you that this problem does exist on my computer.
using dynamic Dreams use a lot less CPU but have given me the Blue screen of Death.
I will also add that the first version of descape worked like it should. all other updates after have not worked for me.
I will tell you all. I love Stardock and all programs they make. I know sooner or later that this will be fixed by Stardock. I am just waiting for that time.