ID, i'd be willing to bet my next decade's worth of earnings that 95% of the "governments" on earth would rather see obama as our next president. and no, i do not consider hamas as a government even though the bush adminstration pushed for the "election" that put hamas in power. and i couldn't care less what bill ayres (may be spelled incorrectly) did or said. he and obama served on teh same board of a non-profit organization funded by a wealthy republican ex-diplomat appointed by reagan. also on that board were several republicans. if any of those republicans had run for public office, would they be accused of being supported by terrorists today? i highly doubt it. as for why would someone who openly hates America, who actually tried to bomb it, back Obama? i don't know. why would someone who thoroughly despises the policies of the republican party help raise funds and vote for the republican mayor of my hometown like i did? who ayres supports for pres has zilch, zero, nada, the big 0 to do with anything to do with this election. the man has but ONE vote! has ayres publicly announced an endorsement for a candidate? if ayres endorses mccacin, would you vote for obama?
hannity had some idiotic jackass on his program who spout off numerous relationships connecting obama to terrorists and radical left-wing associations recently. every single one of that fool's declarations had been proven wrong beforehand by numerous organizations but yet hannity found it fit to allow the jackass to keep talking and actually agreed with numerous things being said. now, you tell me who is biased in the media! granted, oberman on msnbc is a enthusiastic supporter of obama who disses mccain and palin nighty. he shows where mccacin has flip-flopped on numerous personal beliefs within the last 2 years and where mccain and his campaign have flat out lied about democrats. the thing is, he has video proof to back up his claims. he may be biased but he backs it up. isn't it funny how mccain can trash obama for saying something today and mccain said virtually the same thing a few years ago?
so, you're saying this Khalid Al-Mansour guy helping obama get into harvard is any worse than mccain's dad getting him into annapolis? at least obama made the grades! the same can't be said about mccain. how obama got into harvard's law school or mccain got into the naval academy has nothing to do with the issues. you guys are complaining about so-called relationships with Ayres and Khalid Al-Mansour when bush and cheney have done more to undermine the constitution and our personal rights and freedoms than any adminstration in history? come on! none of the so-called relationships "reported" by the media and right-wing bloggers have ever been proven to be anything more than what obama says they are.
terrorists? karl rove and his cronies can be called terrorists for the organized efforts four years ago to intimidate voters from highly democratic voting districts in ohio in order to keep them from voting. blocking their access to the polls, telling them the polls were closed, or telling them they had to vote elsewhere are forms of intimidation. it's possible that if those voters hadn't been intimidated, kerry would be our pres now. attempting to deny a person his/her right to vote is domestic terrorism, regardless of how you look at it.
want to talk about funding? money from kenya, huh? isn't that where his father was born? if it isn't legal, the money shoudl be returned or donated to a charity. if it isn't legal, get rid of it. there hasn't been a national election in years that both candidates didn't have shady funding/donations, mccain included?
i, too, can go on and on regarding shady dealings and associations of mccain's both before his elction to congress and after. i'm sure i can list far more things about mccain which have been proven than you can about obama. and to think until 5 1/2 years ago, i actually respected the man!
i wonder how many wars we'll be in by the end of 2009 if mccain gets elected.
ID, i still consider you a friend but we have vastly different viewpoints regarding this election. remember one thing, though..... i'm right

pictoratus, you are correct. i did indeed mean the healthcare insurance. but i still am certain healthcare in canada and england is as good as what we have here in the states.