anyone saying McCain is ready for the position of President should rethink their logic. he's pretty much shown in the first two debates he isn't mature enough for the job. he may be 70 something in age, but he's still a child in maturity.
Precisely! More to the point, McCain obviously has temperament issues, speaks like he has a sharp stick shoved up his butt and is clearly NOT presidential material. My worry would be, were he President, is that he is prone to temper tantrums and is more likely than Barak Obama to get a bee in his child-like bonnet over issues with another country (for example, POW's and or American hostages) and launch a full-scale military invasion when there are alternative, more peaceful resolutions.
Nope, the man is dangerous. Apart from foreign dignitaries/diplomats snickering under their breath and not respecting him one iota for his whiny-assed voice, he looks clueless when under pressure and resorts to petty sniping at his opponents... and if a foreign leader were to laugh out loudly over his whiny-assed voice (at least Barack Obama speaks like a man who still has his cahoneys and would command more respect), you'd have a full-scale international incident on your hands.
OK, so that may be an exaggerated example and contain an element of levity, but it does reflect the nature of the beast. McCain is unstable and should never ever be President... the Commander in Chief of arguably the most potent fighting force on the planet. With that much power at his disposal, McCain could very well be the catalyst for WWIII.
I would agree...she's not ready to be President.....but since that's not the post she's running for...moot point. She'll have on the job training prior to having to assume the Presidency anyway, which would then make her more qualified than most anyone else.
On the Job Training???? With McCain as her boss, setting policies and examples for her to follow, Sarah Palin's on the job training would be fraught with inconsistencies, temperamental issues and dangerous precedents... hardly what I call sufficient or acceptable credentials to assume the high office of President of the USA when McCain kicks the bucket. As for being more qualified than most... hardly... and not just for the abovementioned reasons. Like how many more 'bridges to nowhere'do you want?
Yes, I know, another extreme example laced with sarcasm and levity. but the point relates not to any bridge. No, it relates to her integrity, whether or not she has a responsible grip on fiscal spending, especially on a Federal level. Given her past record, it suggests there is much inexperience or a great lack thereof with integrity... the latter probably being the greater of the two, given Federal funds to help finance the bridge to nowhere got rediverted elsewhere and not returned as they should have been.
Yes, it can be argued that Barack Obama lacks the experience to be the President, but he has chosen a very experienced old campainer in Joe Biden as his running mate/2 !C... a man who would bring experience and stability to the White House. It is the combination of youth and experience the US needs if it is to see change for the better.
On the other hand, you have a temperamental old fart with a running mate/2 IC who often comes across as an airhead when it comes to political, foreign affairs or financial matters... she may have a grasp on neighbourhood issues, the family budget and have a few grand in the bank, but that hardly qualifies her to deal with foreign leaders/diplomats... and certainly not to manage the US budget/economy.... it would be like putting a fox outside to guard the henhouse.