And a very special congrats to my good friends cplair
I'm in total shock Jack! I can't dance because I can't stop crying!
Curtis.. bout freaking time!
Thanks Brick, I don't know what to do, I'm besides myself right now! Heeeeeeeeeeelp!
to Curtis for his wonderful enthusiasm and being his happy cheerful self.
Much thanks to you Leo!
A special shout-out to cplair
You're a MadMan Po Smed, my kinda guy! Thanks dude!
Congrats Curtis
You've always looked out for me Bilbo! And I forever appreciate you!
And a special shout out to my good friend Curtis
Pictoratus! Thanks so much dear friend for keeping me sane during insane times!
To the Staff, Administrators and Moderators of WC, thanks guys! It's an honor I never saw coming let alone expected. This is unbelieveable!
And to my WC family and friends thank you all for putting up with me all these years!
WOW! Just WOW!
And a heartful CONGRATS to Jack "Skinhit", Fred "BK13", AlMonty from Joysey and to Littleboy for bringing an end to World War II (kidding)!