Ok so there I was trying to work with my 3 yo 5th gen Ipod, which was having issues (seeing I work construction it got some wear and tear) when the MRS hands me this lil box. *ok minds out of the gutter please*
within it a shiny new Ipod touch.
Im not sure which amazed me more, the new Ipod or the fact my technologically challenged *yet wonderfully forgiving* better half actually picked it out. So here I am looking at the hottest thing on 2 legs, holding the hottest new toy from apple. I think I shed a tear. 
Once out of the box I was skeptical it would impress me as much as my old Ipod 5th gen did, boy was I in for a suprise. The look was sleek and simple, 2 buttons one was hold/off the other was a home button to return to desktop at any given time. I say desktop because its set up more like a Computer desktop than an ipod interface.
In fact it resembled the old interface in no way shape or form. The desktop has icons and a small 4 icon sized dock at the bottom. All of which are movable. Nice, tidy and customizable just the way I like it. The Default applications it comes with, are the basics. yes I said applications, apparently this little thing is more like Hand held PC than a simple mp3 player.
The default apps are as followed.
The Safari browser worked well after a brief setup of the wifi.
A clock ,with many alarms that can be set for one day or all days or pic a day. One of the most customizable clocks ive seen on a MP3 player.
Mail client, I couldnt use it tho as im on Hotmail.
A weather gadget, that can add as many places as you want. Not super flashy but it looks nice and does the job.
A calendar you can add events too.
A calculator with numbers you can see easily.
A map search app, which you can search and save maps directions etc. (comes in handy as I get lost easily) *shh dun tell the Mrs, shed make me stop for directions.* 
A note pad, so you can type in a handy note or 2 to yourself. The key pad which appears when you open some thing that requires typing is suprisingly accurate for being as tiny as heck* compared to my chubby fingers*
A link to you tube site, which is ok for those who frequent it.
Even a stock App, which you can customize to keep an eye on your fave stocks.
A Itunes store link. Shows the hottest new music and movies on Itunes.
Not to mention the dock which houses the music,movies,pictures,clock icons. all of these Icons can be moved around and drug to where you want them.
A App store link so you can purchase a wide variety of applications, ranging from entertainment to games to silly stuff, like a meter to tell if you are too drunk.
Want a level to see if your pool table is off? They have a few level applications that uses the Ipods accelerometer to measure level.
Racing games that rival regular games in quality, serious one im playing now looks as good as need for speed on my PS. Cool part is my Ipod acts like the steering wheel tip it left and the car steers left, tip it forward a bit and the NOs kicks in. The most fun ive had in a racing game in years. Im winning cash and car,parts upgrades. 28 cars total to get. Not to mention it runs as smoth as silk.
Or try Koi pond for relaxing times, playing in the pond as the water and fish react to your touching the screen.
Theres somthing for most everyone in the app store.
In any case the apps have blown me away and the most expensive one was the racing game. but at $9.99 im getting my dollars worth. Most the other apps are like $.99 to $2.00 or just plain free.
The wide screen and larger screen size allows you to better imerse your self in a movie then with previous IPod's.
Now for the down sides. 
They moved the head phone jack to the bottom which takes getting used to.
It gets warm and fast, heat is not dispersed well so it gets warm around the bottom.
Your old Video cables for the Ipod * the 4 pin headphone video cables as well as the video docks*. Will not work with the new IPod touch. Bummed me out too as I had just recently bought new cables/dock for my 5th gen, which are now useless.
You need to turn it off and not on hold or the battery will go dead as the hold button gets bumped and activates the Ipod. Even tho it turns off again after a predetermined time, it will wear the battery down after so many times of being bumped in a pocket or purse.
Tho it shows to have the capability for multiple photo galleries, you can only have one gallery. So you cant seperate them in to groups for vacation etc. 
It came with no case or holster. I firmly believe this should be a default item included. When I buy a cell phone it comes with a case or side holster to carry it in, this is essentially a Iphone without the phone capabilities, IMO it should come with a case.
Uncomfortable headphones. While the headphones have great sound, the stock ear buds are most painful to wear. A $50 set of sony ear plugs fixed that.
All in all the +'s out weigh the -'s in my opinion.
Its run trouble free for 2 weeks now and has made many boring nights on the road, fun. It's like having my laptop in my pocket.
Feel free to add your thoughts and reviews.