Now THAT's a job fer me mate!
Orright, DrJo, ye can be 1st Mate an' Executive Rum Tester, meanin' ye'd sorta be Dr Guy's superior n' 'ave ter taste tha same rum t' be shure 'e be drinkin' it right.
*** that be all I needs... 2 drunken doctors.
Check this out, SNL skit. Very funny...but also scary
I'll say it's bloody scary... I watched both clips (Fey & Palin) and I couldn't tell 'em apart. However, while Fey was obviously lampooning Palin, I thought her answers on the economic bailout, jobs, health care and foreign policy were more convincing... more is the pity she's not running for VP.
This cult of Hockey Mom for Prez has got to stop.
Yup, shure has... p'raps McCain could be persuaded to drop Palin for Fey instead. I reckon that convincing him it's a bad idea to turn the country into a frozen wasteland so everyone can build igloos to ease the housing/mortgage crisis would just about do the trick... being he likes to vacation in sunny Florida.
Guess I will swab the decks, cause I taint getting o'er it. And me nuevos be safe wit her. It be Hillary that I be afeared of.
I reckuns ye'll be sayin' "Sarah who?" after 10 minutes of deck swabbin'. Ye knows ye gits blisters frum moppin' n' scrubbin'... so yer best t' stick wiv tha rum testin'
'Ere, n' I'll tell 'e summat else... yer nuevos 'd be safe wiv old 'illary... she's orright Put it this way, ol' Bill done a lot wurse than ye could ever do when 'e didn't 'ave sexual relashuns wiv that thar woman... now ye don' 'ear 'im singin' soprano, do 'e?? I see'd 'im on 'Tha View' wiv Whoopi Goldberg tha ovver day, n it sounded t' me like 'e still 'aves 'e's cahoneys.