These explorer errors & the Punkbuster problems have meant that I've not been using Windows Blinds for the past month or so.
The other night I got tired of Aeroglass & decided to try using WB again. I was not surprised to see that the Explorer problem hadn't gone away, but I was surprised to find that a few other issues that I'd never even considered being related to WB, returned suddenly.
I have a Logitech G15 keyboard, the second version, & had been having issues with the software for the LCD not remembering it's settings. Certain aspects of the LCD's software I had shut down or changed, but after a reboot they'd come straight back. For example I turned of the stop watch program & stopped all the apps scrolling, prefering to make changes when & if I needed them. To be honest I hadn't noticed that they'd gone away until I restarted WB & found things were suddenly ignoring any of the settings I made in the LCD's software again. I had though the uissues here were permission based & had set the LCD software to "Run as Admin" which seemed to fix things briefly, but the issues still returned.
I also hadn't specifically noticed that a lot of other apps that load during start up had stopped failing in a similar manner to windows Explorer, until I re-enabled WB & suddenly they are all back again. Things like the Catalyst Control Centre & Gigabyte (Mobo) tools failing during start up.
My other PC also has WB on it & pretty much the same apps, but is XP & I have no issues with it & WB at all.
WB version is still 6.3.
Has anyone had any success in sorting this out yet? It's driving me crazy! Is anyone using Vista 64 Home Premium + Windows Blinds & not experiencing these issues?