Starkers is mass producing them in China along with the "Palin Reisitance is a Bridge to Nowhere" little replica bridges and her
Nah, not me, mate.... I just wouldn't do such a low down dirty thing to Angus me old mate. I reckuns them dolls frum Chine be tha wurk o' that thar Pain wench... she be tha one lookin' fer export dublooms, not me. Mind ye, tho, I might be inclined ta scuttle 'er boat n' share tha booty among tha crew o' tha Twister Sister.
An' it weren't I wot sent them thar China fellers tha idear fer Bridge t' Nowhere or lil Palin replicas, neither. Come ta think of it, which I do, tha only Palin replica Oi'd want 'd be a voodoo doll... along wiv a couple o' duzen packets o' pins.
Resistance is.... having a Palin voodoo doll and running out of pins. 
The best recipe though is the "Tomorrow Palin Cooked Goose" and the "Cheesey Big Mac McCain Burger". Easy to resist calories.
Hmmmm, sounds tasty... and to hell with the calories, that's a feast I'd find hard to resist... twice. 
You know of course, that when McCain and Palin lose tomorrow, they're gonna open a new fast food chain: McPalins, with the house specialty being a McMoose 1/2 Pounder with the lot, and a fresh cup of (made on the premises) yellow snow to wash it down with.