Well, I did report it to my counselor today and she's going to handle it from there.
You did the right thing, Rad! They might not think so now, but further down the track they will see it was for the best and thank you for defusing a complicated situation that could only have gotten worse. As it is, because these boys have grown up to believe this is normal behaviour, they are going to have issues with establishing and maintaining normal relationships in the future, particularly with women and kids, and the longer it went on the more collateral damage there would have been.
Don't get me wrong it wasn't easy
Of course it wasn't, not after 3 years and naturally forming an attachment, but more power to you for sticking to your guns and doing what you know had to be done in everyone's better interests.
It's funny how sometimes even though you know somethings wrong you can actually question your own beliefs and standards.
Been there done that and know this only too well. You form an emotional bond and sort of don't want to believe what they're doing is all that wrong, sort of turning a blind eye and thinking "maybe it's just me and am I making a mountain out of a molehill." I went through this with my 1st wife when she could have been behaving much better - and I kept hoping things would change for the better after expressing my concerns - but at the end of the day I knew that I had to stop hoping and making excuses and end the relationship. It wasn't the easiest thing for me to do, being that I believe kids need their mother, but it was the right decision for everyone concerned, especially my kids because they weren't influenced by a drug affected mother in their daily lives.
Anyhow, Rad, you've done the right thing and I hope good/better things are there for you on the horizon... so go get 'em, mate.