Well, Seabass certainly knows how to make an almost meaningless statement Still, given the apparent abandonment of several other parts of My Desktop, it is good to know that ObjectDock will get a serious update, although not anytime soon. I can wait a few months I guess.And I do hope they'll focus on the right issues on this update. ObjectDock is a nice application IMHO, but it just lacks those finishing touches which would make it a great one.
In the last 3 years I have made just over 1k statements and had just over 24 million people read them. I am getting good at this. I am confused what you mean by our abandonment. What programs that we have laid to rest do you mourn?
Also there isn't anything in this world that couldn't be improved some, however while I am still obligated not to divulge information about the updates I can say that I am very excited about them. I think everyone will be pleased.