I'm not sure how things work in other online communities but I think Wincustomize is special. Well . . I know it's special . . but it's MORE special in this one case.
One of our members, the one and only (thank goodness) RomanDA, has the misfortune to have to travel more than he'd like in meat-space. But to my fortune, he was within driving distance of my home and we were able to have dinner and coffee (along with my wife to chaparone).
Surprising as it may be, RomanDA was a pleasant dinner companion. He beat no one up, chewed with his mouth closed, and did not insult or embarrass my wife.
We spent the evening talking partly about this and that but the majority of the time was spent making fun of Island Dog (whom RomanDA had visited in Florida before). We spoke at length about the history and future of DX and how skinning has changed over the years.
All in all, I think we had a great time. If you are ever traveling to Houston, let me know via PM or email. We can make fun of RomanDA. Also . . it's a bit dated but take a look at http://www.frappr.com/wincustomize/map. Add yourself if you have not already there. If you are traveling where there is another one of "us", take the opportunity to meet up. At the least it may prove to your significant other that yes, there are real people on the other side of the monitor.
I'd like to take the opportunity to thank RomanDA for making the drive out to the burbs and back. I had a great time buddy!
And now . . to the point of the title of this post:

Zubaz and RomanDA