Well.. probably because last several skins of mine have had square menus..VEEEEEEEESTAAAA... so for me..yeah.. always been that way Â

While I'm at it, heres a few things I noted last time I skinned vista.
things id like..
active and inactive states for commandbar and Infopane glass sections.
font color control for commandbar, infopane, folders bar and arrow image skinning for folders bar.
Complete control over font colors and system menu colors\mousovers.
Problem areas...
Needs two seperate buttons and background images added for large IE back\forward arrows. Using the small arrows\background 'stretched' makes the large arrows look really bad.
Vista tray content margins always need to be adjusted 1 down, top and bottom compared to XP.. also when applying a new theme in the taskbar needs to be unlocked, stretched double and sized back to normal for the tray icons to center.
Start menu font colors and Item Mousover is more faded in Vista compared to XP.
Antialisaing isnt working correctly in Vista Popup context menu fonts and per pixel titlebar fonts. (My personal worst issue.) You can compare XP to Vista right click menus and BMP frames to per pixel frames.. to see differences. (Major)Â