I seriously need cheering up..........
Yeah, me too....an ill wind blew a dark cloud of depression over me a few weeks back.. which has hung over me ever since cos I've not had the strength to muster up enough wind to blow it away again. Obviously I need more curried cabbage! Now that'd cheer me up.. a plateful of curried cabbage, a honeyed chicken breast, honeyed carrots and mashed potato with sour cream.
Oh well, at least the dark cloud is providing me with some shade from the Qld winter sun... you know, barely warm one day, Anna Bligh the next....
Nevermind, summer's just around the corner... you know, steenkin' hot one day, Jennifer Hawkins the next. Yup, global warming has a lot to answer for... tho I could use a lil bit of it around here right about now... the box of tissues I soaked last night just ain't drying in the cooler weather. Yup, I'm finding myself bawling for no apparent reason just lately, like especially last night while watching TV... but then again, televised parliament is enough to make anyone cry uncontrollably.
But yeah, roll on summer... I don't get depressed so bad when there's a few more hours of sunshine and daylight... not so gloomy and makes getting out in the yard more pleasant. Not only that, I can get outside to howl at the full moon cos it's not so cold out. Nope, baying at the moon atop a fence post with those Winter Westerlies blowing up my nightie ain't so nice and don't do me arthritis any good.
Seriously, though, I really hope that you can beat it and can get back to a normal life (normal, normal...what's Normal? starkers wouldn't know normal.

) real soon... so try to smile and take good care of yourself, OK.