Window Blinds tends to kill the performance
Yes, and the next thing he'll say is ObjectDock makes his computer work like a slug.
Really folks,if you've got issues with anything, it can always be learned. More than once I've started top quality, intermediate level apps which demand a lot, and all I do is stare at the blank canvas, thinking," What now?"
If it doesn't work for you, there's always something called resources. If its a Stardock product that's boggling, check the
Wincustomize Wiki.or us dweebs who don't know C# or Java, the whole Stardock experience is a mass of confusion.
C#, Java? When do you need them with Stardock apps? WindowBlinds doesn't ask you to write some code to load a skin. ObjectDock doesn't refuse to load if you don't make some Java apps for it.
Everything is laid down in simple, easy to use user interfaces. For example, WindowBlinds has separate sections for separate areas of customization. If you want to change the skin, there's a tab for it. A tab for transparency, colors, font, animation, etc. Every setting has it's own section.
How much easier could they make it?
Now let's take a look at ObjectDock. There are some lucky skins in the ObjectDock format [ie: .dockzip]. A .dockzip file can be double clicked, and it does the job. You get the skin/icons/docklets in your OD directory.
For those other icons/backgrounds/skins in zip files, all you need to do is right click, press extract files and point it to your ObjectDock folder and choose a subfolder. Then preess Extract. Done.
And if you're too much of a newb [I don't blame you, I'm a newb too] then go with Starkers suggestion: Try MyColors. A one click option and you'll get a different skin/icon pack/etc. No more ol' boring XP.
However, we've been stuck with a boring XP desktop for more years than I care to remember
Opportunity for Vista-haters
Tell you what, Xp will e here another five years. It will go to the grave in 2014, when it will be officially unsupported.
Check this page to know more right from Microsoft.
And imagine, if Win 98 was around here today, still being supported, would we want to skin it? Would we use ObjectDock on it? No. We'd stay away because better OSs exist. Right now many people [including me] still use XP because it still works great. That doesn't mean we'll keep using it till the very end. Someday, we'll have to make the switch, because like many other companies, Stardock will also switch over directly to Vista, wouldn't it? That day is still far, but yet many people think Vista isn't up to the mark.
Vista is being treated today like XP was treated when it was released.
I can see us all as proud Windows Vista users a couple of years from now, with no mark of XP's existence in our hearts, and then we'll jump onto the " I hate Windows 7" bandwagon when it comes out