So I'm not a skinner. I can push a pixel here or there but it's not what I do. However, the other day I saw a skin request and one of the masters said that they are often inspired by stuff on the forums. And then there was teh collaboration between SKOriginals and Bebi Bulma on Crystalline.
So there I was, saying to myself, "Self, I wwonder what we could do to generate ideas from non-skinners that might turn into an executed skin."
And I thought to myself . . waaht if we had a non-contest where we picked a theme and spent a week throwin up designs that *might* make a interesting skin. We as a community could critique adn maybe some skinner would want to continue developing with collaboration the idea to a full skin.
I think that the preview in the WB config would be enought to get a feel for what a skin might turn out like and not be too very hard for us "regular folks".
A while back I had a dream about a Smurf skin. Above is my 20 minute attempt at a concept. It got me thinking about all the other cartoons of my youth that might make cool skins. What cartoons do you remember as a child? Did you dig the Thudercats or Felix the cat? Was Scooby-Doo the dog of your youth? How about Betty Boop or Hello Kitty?
So here is a template if you will. You can use whatever you want of cousre . . there's no prize here, jsut an opportunity to try something new and different.
If there's any interest here we can look at other themes. No comments or uploads means that it's just another failed Zubaz idea that will hopefully fade away into forum limbo.