Bitching & griping are synonymous where I come from, so I wasn't expecting either.
Someone suggested the masters make a post about skinners, because some skinners are only skinning correctly, 3/4 and such. So i thought i would start one for them.
This IS NOT a BITCH thread, its a mature discussion of what masters would like to see from us apprentice skinners and what we can do to improve ourselves.
I think the intentions are good. It's just that a lot of folks, even when BEGGING for some kind of constructive criticism don't realize how thin their skin is until they actually get a response. Then you have those skinners that believe they ARE skinning correctly or skinning ALL they need to. To even suggest they are doing otherwise may be seen as bitching or griping. It's all a matter of how it is taken by each individual. If I were a master and got slammed for any advice I gave here because someone took it as a personal affront to their talent or lack of, I would hesitate to post again on the subject.
I think the thread had good intentions and can work for folks like me who will take whatever advise I can get. Someday, when I post my first skin, I know half of you will rip it apart and post your fix lists. lol. Honestly, it's one of the things I like about the site. Since I moved to South Carolina from Pennsylvania, I have missed hanging with the type of people that you can say what's on your mind to, or say 'Fuck You' and they still pick up the check and you leave still friends.
I guess it goes back to 'No good deed goes unpunished'.