Some of you may be aware that long-time member of the community and the site moderation team, Quentin94 (ArileenDesign) is in a bit of a financial bind. After hurting his back about a year ago he is now out of work and facing mounting bills and growing debt as he tries to keep his apartment and feed his daughter. Unfortunately he's now having to look into bankruptcy and still isn't sure he's going to be able to make ends-meet.
Not being able to work because of an injury is no picnic, especially when you're faced with mounting debt as a result. As Quentin works through the larger bill issues, he still has to worry about a roof over his head, and feeding his daughter.
To that end, I'm making an appeal to the WinCustomize community. Quentin has been among our ranks for nearly two years and has given us so much in skins, help on the forums, help in moderation and most importantly in the kind words he always has for everyone. Personally I've found him to be an invaluable asset to the site staff and I want to help him out any way I can.
So I'd like to ask everyone to take a moment and see if they can donate a few dollars to help Quentin keep his head above water.
He's set up a PayPal account you can donate money directly to. This means the money is available directly to him (and him only) and he can access it any time he needs.

Note: You do not have to have a PayPal account to donate, you can donate directly via Credit/Debit card.
Also, this is a very special case we're dealing with here. Quentin is a key member of site staff and a huge resource to the community. We normally frown upon solicitations on the forums, but in this specific case we felt we needed to make an exception.
If you are able, please lend a hand. Hopefully between all of us we can lighten the load a bit for Quentin as he works through his current financial and health troubles.