I was once advised to look for a VERY wealthy woman with one foot in the grave and... er, the other on a banana skin. As usual, I ignored it and went my own way... ended up with a bankrupt woman and plain ugly.... OOPS, a plain jane, and once the ring was on her finger she said that her only prospect was me.
"Oh dear," I thought, "we're stuffed!"
That was almost 35 years ago... hehe, now I'm thinking that one-way fare I gave her was the best investment I ever made. Now I got me a fantastic missus... she's broke, just like me, and reckons that she's no oil painting, but we got love, trust, respect and honesty, and with that, everything else takes care of itself.
Oh, and Haptork, while she will be interested in you, what you do for a living and etc, only allow 'you' to take up 000.1% of the conversation.... cos she's female and therefore a much more complex creature who needs to tell you
everything about her day; her childhood; her clothes; her makeup; her likes and dislikes; all her fave things; the foods she prefers; the music and movies, actors and singers she admires... and eventually, everything blokes do to piss her off....
Sadly, that always comes last.... so by the time you've heard it all, you've already put yer foot in it, hehe.