ok.. so i just recently noticed the 'Edit Vista Part Colours' in SKS6 under the 'Change Skin Colours' and though this (recently?) added feature is already proving (to me at least) pretty cool, its not actually 'labled' what each color is for.. just the RGB of the color.
So, I started a list of what the colors are and where they apply. However this is only a partial list as I could not determine what some of them actually changed.
If you can figure out what the missing colors (the light gray italiced numbers) are then by all means fill it in, I'll check back periodically on this thread to 'complete' the list as more items are found out as to what they actually pertain to... so... here is the list as of 8-13-08
Control Panel
1 - 'Recent Task' Title Text Color
2 - Page Title Text Color
3 - 51, 153, 255
4 - 51, 153, 255
5 - 126, 133, 156
6 - 0, 102, 204
7 - Sidebar Link Highlighted
8 - 217, 243, 243
9 - Sidebar Link Disabled
10 - Sidebar Link Normal
11 - Sub Section Link Highlighted
12 - 51, 153, 255
13 - 126, 133, 156
14 - Sub Section Links Normal
15 - Section Title Highlighted
16 - Section Title Normal
17 - 0, 102, 204
18 - Information and Help Text Color (IR Brainiac Contribution)
Task Dialog
1 - Title Text Color (IR Brainiac Contribution)
2 - Subtitle, Action Text Color (IR Brainiac Contribution)
Explorer Flyout
1 - 87, 87, 87
2 - 0, 0, 0
3 - 87, 87, 87
4 - 19, 112, 171
5 - 176, 177, 179
6 - 0, 0, 0
7 - 0, 102, 204
8 - 0, 102, 204
9 - 0, 102, 204
Task Dialog Buttons
1 - Default Selection Highlight text color
2 - Default Selection Normal text color
3 - 126, 133, 156
4 - Pressed text color (IR Brainiac Contribution)
5 - Highlighted text color
6 - Normal text color (IR Brainiac Contribution)
7 - 165, 165, 165
Alt Tab Window
1 - Window Title Text
Drag and Drop text
Query Builder Text (explorer)
1 - 0, 0, 0
Aero Wizard Text
1 - 0, 0, 0
2 - Page Title Text (not Window Title Text)
3 - 0, 0, 0
4 - 0, 102, 204
Dialog Text in some wizards
1 - 0, 51, 153
2 - 0, 51, 153
3 - 0, 0, 0
4 - 0, 0, 0
5 - 0, 0, 0
6 - 133, 156, 0
7 - 153, 255, 0
8 - 153, 255, 0
9 - 102, 204, 0
10 - 0, 0, 0
11 - 0, 0, 0
12 - 133, 156, 0
13 - 102, 204, 0
Common Places Explorer
1 - Favorite Links text Color
Date / Time Picker Text
1 - Calendar Day # Current
2 - 255, 0, 0
3 - Calendar day # Highlight & Month Year Highlight
4 - 116, 144, 232
5 - 177, 197, 252
6 - 177, 197, 252
7 - 177, 197, 252
8 - Calendar Day # Current (when not on current month)
9 - 255, 0, 0
10 - Calendar Day # Highlight (for days not in current month)
11 - 177, 197, 252
12 - Calendar Day # Current (for days not in current month)
13 - 177, 197, 252
14 - 177, 197, 252
15 - 100, 100, 100
16 - Normal Text, Calendar, global
Link Text
1 - 68, 101, 162
Empty Markup text
1 - 68, 101, 162
Hopefully you find this useful 
PS: This has been added to the Wiki Pages as well here http://wiki.wincustomize.com/wiki/SkinStudio_Help:_Edit_Vista_parts_colours