ok.. looking at the code..
Code: vbscript
- 'Change object name to apply to new object
- ulHue = DesktopX.Object("3Dmetal_Clock_Face").hue
- ulHue = DesktopX.Object("3Dmetal_Clock_Hours").hue
- ulHue = DesktopX.Object("3Dmetal_Clock_Minutes").hue
- ulHue = DesktopX.Object("3Dmetal_Clock_Seconds").hue
- ulHue = ulHue + 10
Whu set the same VAR to multiple items, the only one that matters in this case is the LAST one. Applying it at the end of that function makes sense, but the beginning sets make no sense.
I would redo it:
Sub Object_OnLButtonDown(x, y)
Dim ulHue
ulHue = DesktopX.Object("3Dmetal_Clock_Face").hue
ulHue = ulHue + 10
'if hue is set to Black "1000" then set it back to Unshifted "0"
If ulHue > 1001 Then ulHue = 0
'if hue is past 255, set it to black.
If ulHue > 255 And ulHue < 999 Then ulHue = 1000
'apply the hue change to the object(s)
DesktopX.Object("3Dmetal_Clock_Face").hue = ulHue
DesktopX.Object("3Dmetal_Clock_Hours").hue = ulHue
DesktopX.Object("3Dmetal_Clock_Minutes").hue = ulHue
DesktopX.Object("3Dmetal_Clock_Seconds").hue = ulHue
End Sub
This seems to work, the main key with this is to make sure the master items are RED.
the Hue works best with a RED main image. Other than the above, it looks good.