Do you know from where this karma came...and what is the karma ...many define it as a belief system...
Karma simply means work or action or labour. It originated from one of the most ancient language of India "Sanskrit"... many of you would have heard about it. It is read as KARM. Besides Sanskrit, it also features in Hindi ..... the national language of India....
"Su" means good so sukarma means good work.
"Ku" means bad so kukarma means bad work.
In our karma system there is a provision of sukarma as karma.. but nothing about kukarma...
Rightly so, because if there had been something like kukarma it would have been misused to a great deal.
There is a saying in Sanskrit .....
"Only to do work or labour is your right, Never think about the result"
(Karmanye wadhikarstu, Maa Falesu kadachan.)
So lets work without worrying for result....
Thats all i can say ..Hope you like this little information...