only diff is that the UI has been changed to suit a 4 year old.
Suits this (50) 4 year old just fine... not just the 'pre-school' UI

, but the great changes/improvements under the hood. For old farts like me (fossils who never saw a calculator at school, much less a computer), it's a blessing to have 'fogey' friendly software that's easy to use
I particularly like the new 'easier-to-use' PackageBuilder, it saves packages more efficiently and is much friendlier to less (skinning) savvy users than previous incarnations. I always had issues with saving packages in prior editions...I had ideas on the package structure but IP 2 and 3 most often saw it differently to me.
I also like the intergated drag and drop function when right clicking to change icons for known file types... however, I would also like to see this include program exe files so IP changes various desktop shortcuts at the same time as shell icons. Being able to include desktop shortcuts directly in PackageBuilder would also be a fantastic & welcome addition.