I apologize for not having this done yesterday, and for not having more than one to look at this week. I had a sick grandbaby last week and we had some really severe weather yesterday which prevented me from turning on my computer. That said, here's the one review I have for this week:
I have a bunch of really beautiful Wolf artwork that I use for my walls, but there are very few that I can remember where I found them.
Fortunately, one exceptional piece of work is signed and watermarked with the webaddress. So I get to show you one of my favorite looks.
The wall I am speaking of is created by Al Nelson Weitzel . An extremely talented artist, this is just one of many exceptional works from this author. entitled simply wolf wallpaper2 it's a lifelike portrait of a wolf on the prowl.

I like Onix by SKoriginals for this wall. The dark skin combined with amber highlights suit the coloring in the wolf, and the eyes match just right. This skin reminds me of a tuxedo with the smart looking taskbar , silver and amber accents, and Classy pinstripe lines. I found though that it was just slightly too dark, so I lightened it up in wbconfig just slightly.
For a perfect CursorFX match I have HfnDiamond by farid nafar. If I didn't know better I'd think this cursor was designed specifically for this blind. The match is superb. The cursor is a nice shade of amber, surrounded by a slick black border. It also has that tuxedo style appearance. Very sharp!
Iconpackager has so many great looks it took me a while to find the right one. Nordagan by Z71 is a great study in black and amber and so I picked it to go with this theme. This style compliments the blind , with it's flat look and clean lines.In the dock, I have a few personalized icons for this theme .
I used some custom icons for my Object Dock as well. Glass Cursorfx By kurtin is a silvery shadowy icon designed for your cursor fx program.And po' designed the other specialty icons I used, you can find them here: Po' Moon ,Wolf for object dock and one of the po OD icons by request icons for the dock configuration icon. Makes a great collection that fits with my theme just right.