From Friday, April 4, 2008
"The answers to your 'outstanding' 5 questions are as follows - and they will not change in the near forseeable future so you can take them as stated.
For questions 1-4:
When such information is ready for public consumption, it will be posted publicly to these forums, WinCustomize, the ObjectDock homepage etc. If the information is not available it means that it is either not ready for public posting, or has not been finalized yet.
For question 5:
WindowBlinds is the core technology behind a lot of what Stardock does, and multiple other projects and products rely upon it, DirectSkin and MyColors being the major ones. When work is done on those products, often work needs to be done to WindowBlinds as well."
As I said, nothing has yet changed, and again a thread is off-topic....and it is time to move on...