gee ivan, you have to criticise everything don't you. while i respect your right to an opinion, you must respect my right to say your full of shit
As long as we'll keep going around that respect carousel, then I'm a happy bunny

Please everyone Support and Development is working hard with a lot of things. It will all be updated soon to where all the numbers are the same. We all just need to give them as much help as we can. These people work hard and long hours to get things working right It is not just a quick fix all the time either.SGTÂ Â
I've been helping them like there's no tomorrow. I've been sending them almost daily bug reports (through auto crash-reporting procedure). I'm sorry but give them time card is no longer an ace they hold. I don't expect a overnight fix. However, considering it has been over a year since the last stable version has been released (even though it had bugs too) it's just not right for people to say that we need to give them more time. It's clear that they work on other products more than they work on this one (WindowBlinds, anyone?). Therefore, even if you pay the same amount of money for the license you still don't get treated the same in all aspects as a customer. Now that makes my blood boil. Sounds very much like communism: everybody is equal but some are more equal than others.
SDC is not being dropped, at least for about a year. SDC & Impulse will both still work.There are some verson discrepancies, which the Devs are ironing out.Beware of updating to a Beta release, as it is, well... BETA!! I would only advise someone to install a Beta if that Beta fixed an issue that person was having. It should not be installed 'lightly', if you know what I mean.
If it's not being dropped for over a year then why did one of the senior guys from Stardock told me that the latest alpha is not making way to SDC? Impulse and SDC won't work if installed on the same machine after Impulse launches in its stable form. There are version discrepancies but the devs rather people hop over to Impulse than sort those problems out. The point in installing a beta to test if the bugs that are supposed to be fixed have been fixed. Not to have a wave of fresh new ones thrown in your face. Additionally, if you aren't even told what changes (changelog, anyone?) then how on Earth are you supposed to make an educated decision on whether to install the beta or not? Stardock want people to be guinea pigs to test the fixes but they aren't exactly returning the favour, so to speak.
Take your conspiracy theories somewhere else. Seems to me that every one is pretty happy with Stardock to one degree or another except you. So please, go away.Don't respond to me either. I don't care and won't answer. I just had to get that off my chest.
I don't have any conspiracy theories. Just because people don't say things in forums doesn't mean there aren't problems. And those who do have problems should NOT be shot down for saying there are problems. If Starock fixes the problems that I am having with their product then I'll stop complaining. Until then I have every right to share my experience, knowledge and thoughts on the matter.