Karma is just another one of those things which brings out the worst in people
Karma is a force of life. You do good, promote & intend good, you usually get good back & then some.
If you do the opposite, you'll get the opposite. Karma itself doesn't bring out the worst in people, karma is the manifestation of life based on what people bring out of themselves.
Seriously, I think we're all getting worked up over a non-issue. An on-line karma points system.
People are asking how to get karma points on this site, simple answer, do unto others what you would want done to you. Hang out in the forums when you can, if you see a chance to answer someone's question or assist in another way, go for it, that's good karma, points or no points and if you get karma points for your user account, great!!! But if you don't, no worries, feel good because you've helped someone - that's what is important and that good feeling you get... that's karma. 1 point or 10000 points, it's all good! Â