Did a tut which involved random movement here:
LINKThe relevant block of code (modified):
Sub object_ontimer1
'Get random numbers for object position
min = 1
max = system.screenwidth - object.width
randomnum = Int((max-min+1)*Rnd+min)
min2 = 1
max2 = system.screenheight - object.height
randomnum2 = Int((max2-min2+1)*Rnd+min2)
object.move randomnum, randomnum2
End Sub
If you look above people have given you links to things for DX to do object.rotation.
Agreed. If you want something to go around in a circle, it's probably best to make a large image with the object on one end, and then just rotate the image like in this tutorial:
LINKActually moving something in a circular motion, I would think, requires some complicated algorithm.
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