MyColors is not ThemeManager, but it there will eventually be a version that replaces ThemeManager. It's a much more simplified way to deliver the themes, and it also gives us a way to deliver updates when available.
Ugh, now I'm a little confused, thought I had a handle on this.
Will there be some sort of a theme manager, regardless of what it's called, which will be maintained and allow me to apply the Object Desktop Premium Themes that I've bought?
Do the Object Desktop versions of the Premium Themes get updated, and can I get those updated versions of OD Themes I've purchased, or do only the MyColors themes get updated?
I was thinking that the only real reason I'd want to bother with MyColors was if themes started showing up there exclusively that I want, now I'm wondering about future use and updates.
Hope that makes sense, like I said, a little confused here.