[quote]It means some updates to programs will appear on Impulse but won't necessarily appear on Stardock Central.
Actually, it's the other way 'round. Impulse couldn't find either DA or TA on my machine.
Get Impulse, you won't be disappointed. It is the future and a significant advance over SDC
I wasn't disappointed, I was terrified. It locked my system up solid. I thought my rig was a goner. I finally got it to respond, and uninstalled it. Even that didn't work correctly. I spent the better part of my morning manually rooting out the various files that it installed, and even now I'm not sure that I got them all. God knows what it did to my registry. Sorting through that will be this evening's project. If this is the future, then the future is a screaming, frustrating hell.
I've been a member of these forums for ~2 years now. I have been through every update, and every beta of GC2 since the beginning, and through all of that I have never had an experience that rivals this one. The game, in it's various iterations, has had it's problems, but they were always *within the game*. I have never felt the need to take this sort of tone in any of my bug reports. It was THAT bad.
I'm sorry, Frogboy, I truly am. I have always been, and remain a firm supporter of Stardock, but my conscience requires me to advise anyone who is considering downloading Impulse to wait until such time as they can be absolutely assured that it is working as planned.
I'll try to end this reply on some sort of positive note, and say that Impulse has a very good looking interface. It really is quite attractive. It seems to be laid out in an intuitive manner; I only wish that I had the chance to try out the various features.
Question: Will Impulse be 'skinnable'? The green rain on the leaf motif is nice, but not quite my cup of tea. I would prefer something that is a bit more, shall we say, masculine.